Insights Into Teens

Insights Into Teens: Episode 150 "People Say the Strangest Things"

Madison and Joseph Whalen Season 4 Episode 150

The English language is a funny thing.  While words and phrases can have different meanings in different cultures, there are other things that might affect the meaning or even the relevance of a word or phrase. 

Sometimes the things that once had meaning in the past are no longer relevant because of changes in society. This can sometimes conjure misconceptions and misunderstandings. Other times a phrase changes so much that the true meaning of it is lost. 

While still other phrases are often misheard, misunderstood or just murder the English language kind of like when you hear the wrong lyrics of a song (which may well become a podcast in the future for us.) 

On today’s episode of Insights Into Teens we’re going to take a look at a few of the phrases that stand out to us.  We’ll shed some light on them, alleviate some misconceptions and maybe even entertain you along the way.

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