Insights Into Teens

Insights Into Teens: Episode 51 "Injuries and Illnesses"

Joseph and Madison Whalen Season 2 Episode 51

This week's episode is inspired by our delay in recording due to a few illnesses in the house. Neither Madison nor dad were feeling well for our regular Friday show so we had to postpone that show and decided to do a podcast on the subject off schedule on Sunday.

We take a look at some of the common injuries and illnesses that teens face. Then we talk about some of the injuries and health issues that Madison has endured in her thirteen years and how she's coped with them. From your typical bumps and bruises to the obscure and scary illness of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) we talk about how we got through some of these common and not so common issues.

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An original podcast by a husband and wife team of self professed pop-culture geeks. It is a discussion about all things entertainment from movies and music to television and pop culture. We examine some of the more obscure aspects of the entertainment industry.

Speaker 1:

Insightful podcast by informative insights, a podcast network.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Welcome to insights into teens, a podcast series, exploring the issues and challenges of today's youth. Your hosts are Joseph and Madison, Whalen, a father and daughter team making their way through the challenges,

Speaker 2:

the teenage years.[inaudible]

Speaker 4:

welcome to insights into teens. This is episode 51 injuries and illnesses. I'm your host, Joseph Whalen and my beautiful and intelligent cohost, Madison Wayland. Hello, how are you doing today, Maddie? Okay, so episode 51 technically kicks off our season two of podcasting or our year two of podcasting. So it's kind of an exciting time. Um, we are recording a little off schedule this week. Um, and the topic is the reason for that. As a matter of fact, right? Uh, we normally record Friday evenings and uh, both you and I were a little under the weather on Friday. Uh, different reasons and we can talk about those as we get into the podcast. So today we were talking about injuries and illnesses. Uh, we're going to talk about what we mean by an injury in an illness. Then we will talk about what the common injuries that teens tend to face are, what the common illnesses are. And then we'll take a little bit more of a deep dive into the injuries you've endured and the illnesses that you've suffered and how you've dealt with them. Are we ready to go? Alrighty. So what is an injury? And this is the definition that you looked up. So we consider an injury, any damage to a person's physical condition, including pain or illness. Although we're going to define illness separately, then we're going to say what is an illness? An illness is a disease or a period of sickness affecting the body or mind. And it's kind of, um, kind of interesting that you mentioned mind in there too because a lot of the podcasts that we've done have dealt with some these common mental illnesses. And when I say a mental illness, I'm not saying something where someone is being institutionalized, but stress is a mental illness, anxiety as a mental illness. And a lot of these are things that we've talked about on the podcast already. Um, cause teens face these Alon, uh, questions on what our definitions are.

Speaker 5:

Nope, I looked him up anyway. So I probably have a pretty good, um, idea of what we're talking about.

Speaker 4:

All right. So let's start by talking about what common injuries teens have. So in just a quick look on a site called they list really three general categories that teens face injuries in. One is concussions or serious head trauma. And I do you know what a concussion is?

Speaker 5:

Yeah. It's basically whenever someone, um, banged the head really hard and it causes, um, damage to their brain and they, um, need time to recover for it. And

Speaker 4:

right. So the interesting thing about concussions is that your, your brain kind of floats in your head in a fluid and there's space between the brain itself and the inside of your skull. And what happens is that fluids that are cushioning, so in the event that you have a sudden impact a football injury, for instance, someone hit you head on with their helmet or car accident where they're, you're traveling at a high rate of speed, there's a sudden stop and nourish it takes over. You know, you felt inertia in a seatbelt where if you're driving in a car and someone slams on the brakes, you feel your body push against that seatbelt. That's inertia. Your body wants to keep moving in the same direction.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I learned that in sixth grade science.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And in the event of a concussion, your brain wants to do the same thing. And what happens is the brain continues the move even though the head does the cranium does not. And a concussion is basically when your brain smacks into the inside of your cranium and that can cause swelling of the brain. It can cause bleeding, can cause all kinds of things. And the problem that you run into there is the brain doesn't have nerve endings. So you can't feel pain in most cases. So what happens is, is you could have a brain injury, you can feel totally fine, but you got a bleeding on the brain or can cause additional fluid. The build up pressure on the brain. So the big concern people have with concussions is you don't know what kind of damage you have until a period after a concussion. So that's one of the concerns. And you see a lot of that in the NFL today with being a high impact sport. Um, the next one they talk about is broken bones. Now, have you ever broken a bone?

Speaker 5:

Nope, I haven't. I'm lucky enough to not have broken a bone yet.

Speaker 4:

I yes. You, you are lucky. I've broken several. Um, when I was a kid I ironic, ironically enough, I never broke anything as an adult. Um, but I broke my shoulder, my collar bone, and broke my wrist. I broke my ankle and I broke my, well, the nose isn't bone to break.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but you still kind of broke your nose. I tried for you to breathe and like one of your nostrils.

Speaker 4:

I think my brother for that still. And the last thing they talk about that's common is cuts, uh, that needs stitches. Now have you ever needed stitches?

Speaker 5:

Not that I know of. No.

Speaker 4:

Um, twice I've needed stitches once was because of my cat, ironically.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, that whole one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that home. I can't Nick me and I almost bled to death.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I don't want to read that.

Speaker 4:

So there was a time I did get a cut on, I needed stitches and I didn't and it took for ever for it to heal. Um, so that was, that's really the three categories and you figure most of these are related to physical activity that, that teens tend to uh, go through. So, um, it kinda makes sense. Right? So let's come back after a quick break and we'll talk about common illnesses. So the one most obvious one, and I think everyone goes through this regardless of what age you are. And that's the common cold. And that's something, that's why one of the reasons why we are off scheduled this week, because you had a cold this week and Friday, you didn't feel so good. Right? So why don't you tell us being a recent expert on colds, what the symptoms are and how you treat it?

Speaker 5:

Well, one of the main symptoms was obviously the clog nose and having the constantly blow your nose eventually ends up having your nose sort of swell up and it hurts to blow your nose. So the way to fix that, um, I use Vaseline and that normally helps. I also have to take medicine for cold and flu. So also I ended up coughing a few times. I also ended up coughing and people would, some people would take cough drops. Honestly I don't because one they taste horrible and I never want to taste them again. And two, I just take normal medicine. Um, and uh,

Speaker 4:

so you just take over the counter medicine for your cold symptoms?

Speaker 5:

Pretty much. I don't have any medications basically. Where

Speaker 4:

now are you taking pills? Are you taking the liquid?

Speaker 5:

Well, the first time we didn't know if there were any pills, so we had to take the liquid. Unfortunately I had, I don't like having the liquid. I prefer the pills. But eventually when mommy had found some pills, I did. Eventually I did take them. I only had to have the liquid once this time and I did not like it at all.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I bet. Yeah. So how long would you say you're feeling the symptoms of the cold? How many days?

Speaker 5:

Well, I think it's started on Wednesday. Um, when I, when that morning I just wasn't feeling too well. Um, I think the worst of it was on Thursday when I, like mommy had suggested me to stay home from school, but I didn't want to because I didn't want to miss out on what important information I needed from school. Unfortunately, I'm at that age now. I mean, most kids would've probably said, yeah, let me get off of school. Unfortunately I'm not, I didn't do that and I probably should have stayed home that day. That's like the one day that I should have probably stayed home. Um, I definitely wasn't feeling well. Um, I just had lost, I didn't have a lot of energy. That's the cold can do that to you. I frankly just felt so tired. Like when I was doing my homework. Um, during half of it I was just like so tired. I didn't want to do it. So how do you feel today? Oh, I definitely feel much better. Friday was one of the more recovery days. I was better than, it was better than Thursday, but it was still kind of bad. Um, um, I've had it for about about five days now. I'm, I'm getting much better. I haven't been, I'm really sniffling. It's just, um, my throat. My throat was actually dry this morning. Um, that's been the worst of it today. Um, I'm not that sniffly anymore. Um, um, I'm healthy enough to do the podcast at least. So.

Speaker 4:

Good. So how many colds a year do you typically get?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 5:

normally one, two or three. I really don't. It's around that. Um,

Speaker 4:

well that's pretty good cause in looking up the statistics on this, on a website we've used before very well, adults on average get colds two to five times per year. Children get them seven to 10 times for, so I think you're doing pretty good.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, honestly, um, I've only had, when I was in elementary, I only stayed home for like one day, maybe two. If it was bad it will, if it was worse. I don't think I've ever really, I don't remember anytime I've ever really gotten the flu though.

Speaker 4:

No. Cause you usually do get your flu shots, so mommy makes sure of that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I, I'm, you know, I get all those even though, you know, I don't like the tension that bring, that brings, I

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

the interesting thing about the cold versus the flu, they don't have a cold vaccine because the cold can be caused by over 200 different viruses. So it's easy to get them and it's easy to get them over and over again. Whereas the flu, typically a flu vaccine covers you for four or five different strains of flu that are out there, which brings us to our next comment. Illness, influenza or the flu. Now we know you get your flu shot, you don't get the flu, you've never gotten the flu. Um, and I think one of the problems with the flu is it oftentimes can manifest itself as a cold. And a lot of people just think of the flu is a bad cold when it's actually a lot worse than that. Um, especially for people who are elderly or who are already in Fern with certain health risks like diabetes or asthma or something like that. Uh, because a lot of times the flu winds up going after your lungs and you can get pneumonia, which can get very dangerous very fast. Um, that's why it's smart to get a flu shot every year. Yeah. Um, honestly, um, I am still a bit confused with the difference between a cord and a fever. Could you please like help me figure that out? I had never really understood. I mean I know a cold is just when it gets sniffly and cough, but like sometimes it escalates to having a fever.

Speaker 4:

Yes. So a fever itself is a sign of an infection. Okay. So when your body is fighting off some kind of bacterial or um, uh, I forget the other type of infection. When your body is fighting off an infection, um, your body temperature goes up, means you have an infection and your body's working extra hard. Um, and sometimes when you have a cold, you could get a bad cold and that cold can settling your throat and you can get, um, an infection in your throat. It can settling your lungs, you can get an infection there, you can get an infection in your sinuses if it's not treated properly. So anything can re, you know, result in you getting an infection, getting a cut could get an infection if you don't clean it out. Yeah. So kind of look at a cold the same way you would a cut. Okay. If you don't treat it, chances are it's going to get in fact that when it gets infected, your body's working overtime to try and fight that off and it results in a fever. That's all the fever is. So what happens at that point in time is you take medicines that are fever reducers and they basically help to boost your body so it can find that infection. So that's why you don't always get a fever when you have a cold. Cause if you get a cold and you start taking your medicine like you did, that medicine helps to prevent the infections from setting in. Um, okay. Have I ever gotten a fever before? You've had a fever a number of times. Yeah. It's not uncommon to get a fever and that's just, that's your body's natural way of fighting off infections. Okay. So when it gets very high, like if you get a fever up to 104 or so, then it gets a little scary because once you get to 106 hundred and seven, it can start causing other problems in your body. It can cause brain damage. It can cause, you know, organ failure and stuff like that. Um, and that also means that the infection might be running out of control and could be poisoning your blood at that point in time too. So that's why, you know, if you ever get a fever of 103 hundred and two mommy and I start wearing, that's when the call goes to the doctor and the doctor decides if you need to come in or not. You get to 104, that's when we're starting to put damn Kloss on your forehead. We're trying to cool the body off to give it a better chance of fighting cause it's starting to overheat itself. Um, so there's different things that we do, but definitely when a fever starts to get up there is when you want to call the doctor. So, uh, influenza flu is another one. Strep throat is another one. So strep throat is a bacterial infection that you can get that could be the result. You know, could start out as a cold and then that infection gets to your throat. And then there's a, basically a bacterial culture that grows in your throat that your body starts to fight off. That's that infection we were just talking about. Have I ever gotten stopped there before? I don't know if you've ever had it. Um, your brother used to get strep throat a lot. Uh, and as a result of, of numerous cases of strip through, he wound up having his tonsils taken out because the tonsils tend to breed the bacteria. Um, and he had oversized, uh, tonsils that were causing problems. So I do want to ask, um,

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

do we ever need tonsils like in our body? Um, I don't know what the actual purpose of tonsils are. Um, I know they said create some kind of chemical that the body uses that I don't know if the body can function the same without it. Um, unfortunately that's, I'm not not a doctor, so that's something we'd have to look up. Maybe we could do a podcast on that one some other time. Uh, the next one they talk about is mononucleosis. Have you ever heard of that one? Nope. Have you ever heard of mano? No. That's what it's commonly referred to as, this is what describe as the kissing disease. So a lot of teens get this. It's earned its nickname because it's most common among teenagers and has spread through saliva. Mano a mano is caused by the, I can't even pronounce this cyto megalovirus I guess I can't pronounce it. Um, and it can also be caused by Epstein BARR virus. EBV symptoms of mano include severe fatigue, fever, sore throat, swollen infant lymph nodes in the neck, sore muscles. Uh, since these symptoms can be caused by many different illnesses, you'll have to see your healthcare provider for an examined blood test to determine if you actually have mono. So generally what happens is this happens through teens who are kissing and it's not just kissing, but you know, that's a common cause for it. So if you hear somebody has mano, that's what it is. Ah, uh, how bout here's another big word, gastro enter ridas have you ever had that? Well, I don't know if I had it and I don't know what it is. That's also the stomach flu. Oh, okay. That makes more sense. Yes, you have had it. And in fact, that is why I was under the weather a Friday as well for the podcast. I had stomach flu on Friday, it seems. Uh, and the last one that is a common illness that we'll mention but not go into great detail are sexually transmitted diseases. Uh, sexually transmitted diseases, sometimes called sexually transmitted infections are increasingly common among teens, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HPV, HIV and hepatitis are just some of the diseases that can affect teenagers. Um, and we'll probably have a podcast on that sometime in the future. Um, that's one of those sensitive subjects that I think requires a lot more attention. Uh, but we'll treat it respectfully and we'll treat it clinically. It won't be anything that's, you know, the way that we typically do our podcast. It's not going to be something that's going to be embarrassing and it's something that that needs to be discussed. So we will talk about it some other time and we'll probably bring mommy in so it's not uncomfortable. Mommy has a way of making those topics seem, you know, much more palatable when we discuss them. So those are the common illnesses. So I want to take a quick break. We'll come back and we'll talk about some of your specific injuries. And illnesses and how you've dealt with them. So the show

Speaker 5:

you compiled a list of injuries and illnesses that you've had to go through. And I'm just going to go through this list. I've rearranged the order that they were in, so hope they weren't in any specific order. Nope. So the first one we have is one we've talked about many times on the podcast and that is the infamous kickball injury. So why don't you tell us about your kickball injury? Hi. Ready? So we've talked about it multiple times before. I don't think I've actually gone into detail about it. Basically, I think it was either third or fourth grade. We were playing kickball and gym and um, um, it was my turn to go up after two strikes and then eventually kicking the ball. I started running the first base, but then the one kid on the other team who was on the field had decided instead of running up and tagging me or throwing the ball at me to get me out, he instead rolled it, which eventually lead to the coincidence of me tripping over it. And then I eventually slid across the field on your face? Yeah. Penn. For some reason I thought I was going to break my teeth. Like that was just the immediate thought. Once I tripped, I'm like, Oh God, I got to protect my teeth. And I literally just closed my mouth immediately. Well, both my, unfortunately I still ended up getting dirt in my mouth.

Speaker 4:

So what was the end result injury wise of that incident?

Speaker 5:

Well, by the time I had opened my odds, I could just like all I, it was just a blur. I could feel sand and tears both in my eyes, even though I didn't feel like crying. Unfortunately. Sometimes pain does that to you? I ended up, I ended up getting a bruise on both. I ended up getting a bruise on both my elbows and my knees.

Speaker 4:

Okay. So no stitches, right? Just like skin, knees, skinned elbows, typical stuff there. I think it did more, uh, injury mentally than, than it did physically to you. Because of the impact that it's had over all these years. It still scars me. Uh, let's see. So, aside from that, you've had various scratches, uh, you just had a bandaid on the other day for that. What do you typically do if you get a scratch that doesn't require stitches?

Speaker 5:

Well, um, in any case, eh, um, the best thing for me to do would be to wipe off any blood that was caused and then just put a quick bandaid on and K. but if it does need a bit of rubbing alcohol, mommy would always help me with that. But there was

Speaker 4:

generally don't put rubbing alcohol and usually we'll put peroxide or uh, uh, an antibiotic on their asylum. They're rubbing our car literally would just make burn.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I

Speaker 4:

just didn't know what it was called. I didn't know what it was called. And there was one infamous, there was one incident where I can probably always remember and it actually did sort of score me. Which one was that? It was in third grade when I stabbed myself with a pencil. So, okay. So tell us about that one. So it was a normal day. I was basically sharpening my pants off. For some reason. All of us were in a line just to get, just to sharpen my pencils and for some reason a good bump, I don't know which kid, but they had bumped me and I had stabbed my freshly sharp, indefensible and to my skin. Apparently it Pierce through big enough, too thick. It was able to Pierce, um, deep enough to where I started to bleed a bit. So I had to wash it off. And the led is still stuck in here and I've had the scar and I've basically had the scarf ever since then. Okay. So just for the record, it's not let us, graphite, graphite, sorry, lead could lead to lead poisoning.

Speaker 5:

I know, I'm still trying to get used to saying that. Okay.

Speaker 4:

Well, and I don't understand why, cause they haven't used lead in pencils in like 50 years. Um, and I will tell you, and I've told you in the past, I had a similar incident where I went to, uh, get a pencil from S from a friend of mine and I went to go pick it up and I wasn't looking and he lifted it up point up, which I'm still not sure why he did that. And when I went to grab it, I wound up getting it in the Palm and I picked my hand up and it was literally hanging out of my hand. It was in so deep. And I still have the led in the Palm of my hand to, uh, to illustrate that as well.[inaudible] yeah. Well, I don't know. I'm older, so it may have been led back then.

Speaker 5:

Oh, we're so w we're both getting used.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well I'm old enough that I might've been led. Um, so the next thing that I have on here is another, um, mentally scarring incident and that is the interim is falling off the scooter incident. That one. So tell us about that one.

Speaker 5:

Okay. So I know I was much younger than before with the kit. This was way before the kickball. And so then, um, we used to go, this one was before he learned how to sled on your face. Right. Whenever I ever slept on my face. I've never actually gone sledding before

Speaker 4:

during the kickball incident anyway.

Speaker 5:

Okay. So I think I was about six or seven. Do you know what age I was? I don't remember that far back. Five, six or seven either. Or multiple choice. So we used to always go to this one park where there was like a little dinosaur park freight look younger kids where we have a bunch of our earliest memories, our earliest, my earliest memories. Um, and they also have a little trail and I had gotten a scooter and um, we had gone and let me just say I was only wearing a helmet. This will come in later. Yes. Cause we were terrible parents. We didn't have the whole armor plated gear on you. Yeah. So, um, we had almost finished and there was the one Hill and we had an, I had the perfect idea to just go up to the top, push myself a little bit and ride all the way down the Hill. Yeah. That was a pretty big Hill. I mean, I had done it like three times before the actual incident, so I'd gone onto the Hill like I did a couple other times and like, so I went down and I don't know what happened, but halfway down the Hill I, um, I think, um, something went wrong with them. The scooter wheels and it made me fall back, explained the scooter. And I think value is actually filming.

Speaker 4:

You don't know what happened. I know what happened. You fell, you checked gravity and gravity was still working.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. Okay. Um, and that was actually a similar entity, eh, a similar injury to the kickball incident, scraped knees and scraped elbow.

Speaker 4:

And that tends to hurt. Yep. So the next couple that you have listed here, uh, are regarding your dental work. All right, so, sorry. So you had a few teeth pulled.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And the thing is, I actually had, um, I actually had a point where I actually had broken a tooth. I don't know if anyone else has gone through that and they were just teeth shards in my mouth. Teeth, shirts. I don't want to go too graphic just saying.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Okay. So you had to have teeth pulled. Why did you have to have teeth pulled?

Speaker 5:

Well, the main reason for the first time was because, um, my, it was just a normal dentist appointment then, um, until they found the broken tooth and the other loose tooth. So they had to pull them out, which was not fun. Um, and a second time was so that I could get my braces on.

Speaker 4:

Right. So you had two separate incidents and what do you, what you know, you get a tooth pulled, what, how do you treat that?

Speaker 5:

Um, so well during the whole thing they had put me under some laughing gas and I'd numb my mouth. And um, when they were all done, they had to put galls on my mouth to stop the bleeding, to help stop the bleeding basically. And my whole mouth would be numb for like most of the day. So, um, the way I had to treat that was every couple of hours, mommy would have to switch out the gauze. So, and let me just say it was really hard to drink with a straw or even drink from a spoon or drink anything.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's hard to drink when you can't feel your[inaudible].

Speaker 5:

Like literally the bottom of my mouth was numb. Like I like in the car for the first time. Like when mouth was not my Lola, I put my head against the seatbelt and I couldn't feel anything.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. You'd wind up drawing a lot that way too.

Speaker 5:

Yup. And like when, and let me just say the weirdest thing was whenever I put my fingers on my face, it felt so weird. Like you're used to like you used to have like, so your nerves still work in your hands, but your nervous were numbed on your face and

Speaker 4:

so you feel it in your hand, but your face doesn't feel you're touching it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And it was the weirdest thing ever. I don't like that.

Speaker 4:

So the next incident we have has to do with teeth as well. And that was the first few months of braces. Now we did a whole podcast on braces.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, probably no one has seen that cause that was the very first step.

Speaker 4:

Well, I'm really going to retouch that and do an update on what you've got. But um, tell us what some of the restrictions were and what some of the discomfort was with the brace.

Speaker 5:

Alrighty. So the first thing with the discomfort, um, it was mainly because, well obviously having braces for the first few months, Hertz. Um, I actually used to have rubber bands and I only had braces on the top teeth, but at the bottom I had a lip bumper there. So when I had to wear the rubber bands, like the first month or so, I, well for a few months I actually had to wear them all the time. And let me just say that was completely painful. It was harder to open my mouth. I was not used to it. And like the first day I literally just ended up crying. Yeah. Him whenever. And like for the first few times I actually had to get my lip on Berea adjusted because the rubber bands were working too hard. Eventually they had to take it out for a bed because, um, it, it had actually gotten stuck on my lip and it started to hurt. Um, and then eventually for like an entire month, it was like gone and I actually felt better until it had to come back. And then I only had to wear the rubber bands at night, which was way more tolerable.

Speaker 4:

So you're about two years in the braces now, right?

Speaker 5:

Uh, yep.

Speaker 4:

And how, how are, how are they now? What's the biggest complaint you have now?

Speaker 8:


Speaker 5:

I really don't have too many complaints. Occasionally after I get them tightened and I might like feel like a bit of like the wire if I ever get them tightened. It's just a little, like, it gets caught on my lip or a times. That's like the biggest complaint. So just a little discomfort them. Yeah. Also, I actually had trouble speaking back then, um, because having a bunch of metal in your mouth makes it harder to speak because you're not used to it. So I had to basically practice speaking again.

Speaker 4:

Yup. Yeah. Yeah. That's a lot of metal and I have to talk around, that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So the next thing we have is one that was a possible concussion, a worry here, and that was getting hit in the head with a soccer ball. The uh, getting in hit and had with a soccer ball or any other ball. Yeah. I've had that happen multiple times. So when that happens, I'm curious, how does, how do they treat, I'm assuming this is happening and happening at school, right?

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I mean, um, the most recent one I had was when an eighth grader, when we were playing like a soccer game had kicked the bone that landed, run in it, and they kicked it at my head.

Speaker 4:

I don't think they kicked it

Speaker 5:

well. They didn't kick me. They didn't purposely do it. It just like hit me.

Speaker 4:

It had no, what did day dude did pull you out of the game? Did they have you go to the, uh, a nurse?

Speaker 5:

They had me go to the nurse, which was like the first time I ever went to the nurse, um, that, um, she basically just, um, let me sit down for a bit and have an ice pack on my head.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And really what she was doing there probably is what a lot of sports franchises now call a concussion conditions where you could be concussed, even a mild one and they want to pull you out so you're not running around anymore and they want to keep you on their observation and they're going to give you an ice pack for the pain, but they want to make sure that you don't exhibit any symptoms, slurred speech, a blurred vision, anything like that that would suggest that you had a concussion. Uh, because if it did, then they'd have to start doing, you know, they'd have to take other procedures and no account. Um, if you did exhibit, um, conditions of a concussion, they might go so far as to give you an MRI to see if there's swelling on the brain and stuff like that. So them doing that and pulling you out and giving you a chance to slow down, relax and observe you is basically just an abundance of caution to make sure you didn't have a concussion. Uh, you got a bruised toe. Talk about that one.

Speaker 5:

So it's only this happened when I was, when I fell running upstairs. Um, yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. So basically I had to get your phone from downstairs so I grabbed it and it's all my fault. No, it wasn't your fault. It was my fault. Okay. I was running up the stairs a bit too quick and at the very top step by it actually dripped.

Speaker 4:

And what did you do?

Speaker 5:

Okay, so I tripped and I fell down. Your phone wasn't broken, but my toe apparently really hurt.

Speaker 4:

Oh, go. Cause my phone's worth much more than yourself. How did you treat it, sweetheart?

Speaker 5:

Um, I guess for most of the, for most of it, I basically just had an ice pack on my toad just so it stopped. Any like possible swelling.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that makes sense. So the last injury that we have here is really not an injury. It's more of an after effect and that is what the issues of getting a shot. So all the, that you remember now you're getting your arm right. And what are some of the issues with getting a shot in the arm?

Speaker 5:

Yes, they put the shot in your muscle and when there's pain in your muscle, it's harder to move it around because it hurts basically. Um, you, it's harder to do more simple tasks like put on a shirt because you have to bend your arm in different ways and in certain ways when you bend it, your muscle will start to hurt.

Speaker 4:

So it's like a bruise, like getting punched in the arm or something like that. That's kind of the feeling you deal with. And how long does that usually last?

Speaker 5:

Less. Two or three days. Um, it's not, it doesn't take too long to heal, but it still is, uh, a convenience and the pain in the butt.

Speaker 4:

Well, pain in the arm actually. I mean, unless you're getting shots in the bud, which as you get older you will. Unfortunately I have gotten that. Yeah, that is, that is always an option. I don't want that. Um, so that was it. That was all we had on this for injuries. We'll come back and we'll talk about illnesses that you've suffered.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

So the first one that we have here is one that I think required a little bit more research and a little bit more time. I could never remember the name of this. I used to call it the hallmark or slumber disease, but the actual name is the Henoch Shaun line purpura or HSP. Now you had this a few years back and why don't you tell us how it manifested on you?

Speaker 5:

Okay, so I guess the whole story behind it was when I was at summer camp, um, this was like, I went to my old tutor time where I spent, um, preschool, preK and kindergarten. Well, I d idn't spend c linical o n there, but they had kindergarten there. U m, and I was spending summer camp there and during the week you guys didn't have, I didn't have to go for five days, but you said in the beginning of August I had t o. So I was a bit b etter about that. Yeah. But like I think two days after you announced this to me, u m, we had gone swimming for the one trip and I had the first sign of it was when I started to feel a bit of pain in my l egs. So it was like mild pain. I didn't really think anything of it. I thought if I just went into the pool i t would feel better. So I went in the pool. Um, the first few seconds were better, but then I started hurting again. Oh, I don't remember what I did in the pool. But then we, I remember sitting on the bench and getting ready and my legs were still hurting and I don't remember anything about the bus trip. But then like I was literally in the doorway and I literally, it was on the ground and my legs were just completely painful. I couldn't, I wasn't able to follow my shoes. Like it was completely painful and they ended up having to call you to pick me up.

Speaker 4:

So now explain the pain. Was it muscle pain? Was it joint pain? What was it

Speaker 5:

thing is it was painful among the whole leg. It's like trying to stand up or even put shoes on or like I couldn't even put socks on like the time you come back. Like I couldn't even put the flip flops on. Like I literally couldn't do anything with my legs. I couldn't stand up. It was really hard. I couldn't put shoes on. It hurts so bad that I couldn't do any of that. What were some of the other symptoms? Eventually I actually ended up having red spots all over my legs from my waist down basically.

Speaker 4:

And so this kind of scared mommy and daddy, um, we didn't know what was going on. We wound up taking you to the doctor and the doctor instantly recognized what it was. And the thing that I think frustrated me more than anything was almost nothing is known about this disease other than the fact that it exists and what the symptoms are. Uh, there is no known cause for it. Uh, there's no vaccine for it. There's no treatment for it. Um, and basically what happens is, is you get essentially symptoms of arthritis in your lower joints and you get these red spots, the what are called purpura. Uh, they looked like bruises basically, and it's broken blood vessels. Um, from what we understand of the disease right now, it seems to be somehow tied to your immune system, uh, somehow going out of whack to some degree. But almost nothing is known about this disease. Um, it lasts for about four to six weeks. Uh, you treat the bruises or the joint pain with, uh, ice packs. You know, hot and cold, just like you would any type of arthritis symptom. Um, but you should, if your child suffers from this, they need to be under a doctor's supervision because the body as a result of this, the body can secrete a, um, protein that is damaging to the kidneys. And you had to go through numerous blood tests during the course of this to make sure that your body was not secreting this protein. Uh, cause if you're worried they were going to have to do other types of treatments to defend against kidney disease and some of the other more dangerous things. Fortunately, uh, your symptoms were limited to the pain and it was painful because it was to the point you couldn't even walk. I was, I had to pick you up and carry you around. Um, so it was the pain in the legs and it was the red spots, the bruising that you had.

Speaker 5:

But I do remember one specific instance, like about two days after I found out about this, um, um, I had just finished up in the bathroom and sadly I had found a spider. And at that point, unfortunately at that age, I was like completely terrified. I, I know, I literally jumped out of my mom's arms. I literally ran out even though my legs hurt so bad, I will never forget that. That's where though, um, more traumatic things that happened then.

Speaker 4:

So for the parents out there, um, I did find a web MD article on this that gives you a little bit more detail. I will include it in the show notes, uh, which you can get from our website when we post the, uh, episode up So after your home-ec or slimmer debacle, uh, the next thing we have on the list here is the cold, which we've already talked about. Uh, but how do you treat the cold temperature?

Speaker 5:

Typically I would, um, most of the times I would stay home, but you know, this time I'm like, Nope, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm going to school. Like, yeah, most of the time when I would stay home, I would just stay in my bed. I wouldn't do too much because I'm feeling way too tired to do anything. And that's basically, I felt at this time, but I just didn't want, I didn't want to miss anything at school, so I decided that I really was just going to tough it out. Um, and basically like I said before, whenever my nose would get like sort of, I don't know what you'd call it,

Speaker 4:

it gets dry and cracked and rough and red.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So we all know what the symptoms of that are. Yup. Lung and it was too much. Yeah. So, um, we would always treat it with Vaseline and my lit. I and I actually, and occasionally since you know, since you can't breathe through your nose, you breathe a lot more through your mouth, which causes your lips to dry up, but you can just use chapstick for that. I definitely know it worked a lot for me.

Speaker 4:

So the next one we have is a stomach virus, which I just got over. Um, you've had it in the past. How do you usually get over it?

Speaker 5:

Well, normally I would have to just stay home. Um, I remember one really bad time where I would just like, I couldn't go to sleep because I kept throwing up. I literally like when I was in my bed, one when I was in my bed one night, I had woken up and I just felt weird. I just felt like some wet stuff around my mouth and I had thrown up so my mommy had to clean that up and at one point I was in your room and I accidentally threw up then. So I basically can sleep.

Speaker 4:

Mommy is a trooper though when we're sick, man. She is, I don't know what we would do without mommy.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, sure. Like literally I remember,

Speaker 4:

I think that goes for most moms out there to, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

So for that time I basically just stayed home. Um, and I would just keep a trash can near me whenever I felt like I needed to throw up. Thankfully mommy was able to work from home then, so.

Speaker 4:

So what will you normally eat on under those conditions?

Speaker 5:

Crackers and soup. I remember having crackers. I really, yeah, I don't eat a lot then frankly, I don't even feel like I would eat a lot anymore. Like I literally would just eat crackers all day.

Speaker 4:

So you also have occasionally a stomachy that you deal with. Um, how do you usually deal with your stomach aches?

Speaker 5:

Normally I would either try to go to the bathroom, which doesn't always work. Um, I would also definitely when I was younger I would take a nap, but now I would just lay in bed and just lay there occasionally. Well this doesn't always work, just saying, um, I would take some medicine but it doesn't always work. It's probably not the best thing for you, so I don't recommend it. Okay. Um, but yeah, most of the time,

Speaker 4:

sometimes it's, it's from not going, having not gone to the bathroom and you get bound up and sometimes you take a laxative or something like that, some high fiber, you know, supplement to try and, and flush the body out. Uh, cause otherwise it, it builds up and starts to put pressure on the insides and it tends to hurt a lot of times. It's just getting that out. Yeah. Headaches. You get headaches occasionally you get headaches, lawn.

Speaker 5:

Mmm. I at least once a month. Um, I don't really know.

Speaker 4:

It could be from something else too, which we'll talk about in a minute.

Speaker 5:

Oh great. Um, I don't think I've ever gotten, uh, a migraine, which is just like a worst headache.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Migraines are, are, can be very debilitating. Both mommy and I suffer from them occasionally.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I don't think I've ever gotten a migraine and no, actually thankful because I've heard how terrible they are and I'm thankful. I just have like minor headaches.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Hopefully you won't have to deal with them. And then the last thing that we have, we did two podcasts. We dedicated our first two part podcast too. And this is what you affectionately refer to as your monthly. So there's nothing, you know, and first of all, it's not, it's not an illness. Yeah. So let's just say that right off the bat. Um, but it does cause certain discomfort, certain inconvenience. It's a physical manifestation of these types of things. So we thought it was worthwhile to put in here. Just so that we could recap how you deal with it. So explain to us what you go through and how you, how you cope.

Speaker 5:

Well, the main thing is once they figure it out, I started feeling stomach pain, which is like the case all the time. Um, I can't, I go to the bathroom way more often and it's mainly just to either sit in there or actually go because for some reason it helps calm my stomach. My also my eating habits change as well. Mommy would help if it ever got too bad. Mommy would always recommend pain medicine and occasionally I don't always take it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So, and you know, it's, it's one of those things that happens on a regular basis. It's, it's a natural, perfectly natural thing to, to deal with and it's discomfort. Um, so you can treat it with medicine, you can treat it with certain activities that you've talked about. Um, but you know, like I said, it's not an illness. Um, there's one last one that we don't have unless here that I did want to talk about briefly. And you and I talked about this beforehand and that is growing pains.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah. Oh, I also have another thing after this. I forgot to put it in there.

Speaker 4:

All right, so why don't you talk about your other thing and then we'll talk about growing pains.

Speaker 5:

One time I had pink guy.

Speaker 4:

Pink guy. Yep. So let's talk about that. What, what is pink guy and how do you treat it?

Speaker 5:

Okay, so when I had woken up on a Saturday morning, um, my, I felt itchy. So I went over to mommy and she immediately saw the, my, I was a bit swollen. So I looked in the mirror and she, um, decided to call the doctor and it was confirmed. I had pink guy on. The way I had to treat it was I had to take eyedrops, which was very uncomfortable. I never liked doing those. I know you used to have to take eyedrops as well

Speaker 4:

do from time to time for my allergies.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And I think you can understand how uncomfortable it is to just have that in your eye.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. It's not good.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I remember, I think it was over the summer and I had to like take the eyedrops at summer camp. I would go up to the nurse and when I was called up and she would just, um, give that to me.

Speaker 4:

So how long did you suffer from pink eye?

Speaker 5:

Think about it. At least a week. Um, don't, I don't really know too much about it. I just remember the whole incident

Speaker 4:

now. Was it painful or just itchy?

Speaker 5:

It was mainly NG. I don't mainly itchy. I don't remember if there was ever a painful

Speaker 4:

and you got, you know, at night when you're woke out you would get the crusty eye type stuff? Yeah, we'd have to clean that out with a damp, warm damn cloth and then put the drops in. But you know, it's a common, it's common for kids to get this. So growing pains. So before you go through a gross Burton old kids do teenagers do, what were some of the things that you would notice would happen before you went through a Grossberg?

Speaker 5:

Well, um, the first thing was that my appetite would change. I would get more hungry and I would want to eat more food. And that's like typical when you're growing up, you just need to eat more food because your body needs that energy. Yeah. Um, I also came into the pain part. It also came, um, affected into pain. My legs would begin to have like pain as they were growing. So I'd have to take pain medicine occasionally put an ice pack, gone it just to stop it from hurting.

Speaker 4:

Yup. Yup. And that's, that's pretty normal. I mean, all kids go through it. You'll get joint pain as your bones start to grow and you start to stretch the attendance and stuff like that. Um, you can treat it with pain medicine to try and keep the pain down. You can treat it with anti-inflammatories like a Motrin or something like that. Uh, exercise is a huge part of that, which is, you know, the schools recognize this. That's why you get recess. This is why you get your gym class. You know, the more you exercise going through these growth spurts, the more limber and, and, um, stretched your joints and your tendons and your muscles and everything are, and the easier it is on your body as you're, as you're growing. I think that was all we had. Um, did you have any closing remarks or shout outs? Yep. All right, we'll come back for closing remarks and shout outs and we'll go from there. Go for closing remarks.

Speaker 5:

Alrighty. So for all the parents and teenagers out there, if you or someone you know is suffering from an injury or an illness, it's important to recognize how to treat it. So it doesn't become worse because if you don't treat something right away, um, it can probably come back. It'll probably just get worse and it could cause some major damage to the body and the mind. Um, so always make sure to treat it. Um, parents please recognize some of the common injuries and illnesses that, um, your teenagers can have and try to help them through it. Um, and uh, take care of yourselves.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Any shout outs?

Speaker 5:

Yup. Giving a shout out to you and mommy. Mainly mommy because as you said before, as treat for mommy, um, basically is really, um, how do you say it? She's the caregiver, the caregiver. Basically. Like whenever one of us is sick or injured, she's always there to find the quickest cure and to, even

Speaker 4:

if she is sick herself, she is still there to be the caregiver every time. Which amazes me because when I told you, you know what, I'm sick, I'm a cry baby. I just want to crawl into a corner and be left alone and to suffer. Um, balmy is nothing like that. You know, if, if you're sick and she's sick, she, she's up suffering and, and you know, making you your soup or whatever it is that she's making to make you feel better, you know? And she's a, she's a trooper like that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. The thing is, whenever I'm sick, I try to avoid contact with others so I don't get them sick because I feel as though if whenever they get sick and I was just sick, I feel like it would be my fault and I'd feel guilty.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's a very courteous thing to do. So I think that was it. Did you have anything else?

Speaker 5:

Uh, not that I know of.

Speaker 4:

All right, so we're going to and get him put the contacts at the bottom of the show notes. So I'm running off blind here. So. Alright, so here's the[inaudible]. Uh, you can reach us via You can visit the website where we'll have the show notes and all the You can reach us on uh, slash insights into things podcast. You can get us on YouTube for all of our videos at into things you can get. As we're else gonna get, you can get the audio

Speaker 5:

and don't forget, you can find us on Twitch where we stream live and you can always[inaudible].

Speaker 4:

Where is that? I don't know. You don't know. See, right into thing.

Speaker 5:

We also like to hear you guys' comments, so please leave us comments at,

Speaker 4:

I don't remember what it was. You're clearly, you're not from the marketing department. Comments and insights into

Speaker 5:

and don't forget to check out our other two podcasts in such Nick entertainment hosted by you and mommy and insert an ad tomorrow, our only monthly podcast done by you and Sam.

Speaker 4:

And that's, that's where your marketing skills come in, plus the other shows pushing the other shows. All right, that's it for this week. We are out.

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